Sunday, January 21, 2007


Here we go: we're starting her up. What will follow is a personal blog on my various interests: personal finance, statistics, literature, and how to keep the cats' litter in that damned box. It goes everywhere, you see (i.e. the blog and the litter). The blog will hopefully help me practice my writing skills. But it's main purpose, I believe, will be to balance my consumption patterns; to counteract life's skewness towards consumption, not production.

Here is how I hope it will work. Entries will be made bi-weekly and will concentrate on subjects relating to personal finance. Ideally they will be data oriented. The goal is to see how quickly one can get 500 people to read this. On second thought the number will be reduced to 100, just in case it turns out I hate blogging -or, more likely, until I figure out that I really hate writing.

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